We Are All Human


Completely abstract, yet deeply personal. Our world wages war on a set of them or unites around them, depending on what a leader or country speaks about them.

They unite. They divide. They distract. They motivate.

MLK once wrote a poem about belief. In the first person.

I believe. You believe. We should all believe.

In something? In someone? In an idea? An abstract concept? How would you describe beliefs?

A set of ideas? A way of life? A religion?

Do you chastise people with differing beliefs? Or do you embrace your differences?

We have reached a cultural shift in America where our beliefs matter, but they should never be used to justify the hatred we have towards those with different beliefs.

We are all human.

We all poop and pee and sneeze and step and cry and laugh and live and die.

We are all human.

One race: human. One people: human.

You might define yourself as gay or straight or American or African or disabled or athletic.

Or maybe you are: Founder. Janitor. CEO. Garbage Collector. Program Director. Volunteer Staff. Bus Driver. Pilot.

But you are still human.

It’s our humanity that defines us. Earth. Blood. Sweat. Tears.

So let it also drive us to embrace each other. No matter what differences. No matter how big the wedge. Lay down yourself for your neighbor.

Jesus was counter cultural. But He was human. One of the most connected humans to a holy God, but He was still human.

And that’s how you connect to Him. How you relate to Him. How you can choose to love Him. Even when he points your sin out in public. Or when He tells you to not speak about Him when He just healed you from your disability. Your blindness. Your lameness.

There’s so much mystery in the world around us.

Let’s explore that and stop fighting and degrading and being prideful. Like we know so much. Like we have a personal connection with the only right choice or right way of living in the entire world. Like we are actually better than someone else.

Jesus never taught that. He wants us to lay down ourselves. For each other. For our brothers and sisters (John 15:13).

Whether they are gay or straight or American or African or disabled or athletic.

Wether they are: Founder. Janitor. CEO. Garbage Collector. Program Director. Volunteer Staff. Bus Driver. Pilot. Athlete.

Because He, being God, was human.

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