“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” –Revelation 7:12
Read the scripture out loud. Take the first honorific for God – “blessing to God.” Close your eyes and in your head, silently say “blessing to God.” As you slowly breathe in and out for 4-8 breaths, ponder what “blessing” to Him looks like and feels like and how you can express it to Him.
How can one bless God? How CAN one bless God?
As I pondered the word in my practice, I thought about times I have felt blessed – like when I hear how others are able to use in their work with young people activities from the books I’ve co-authored. That blesses me. How much more do parents feel blessed when their children make good decisions or act well? I can imagine God feeling blessed when we act justly or show love and mercy to each other.
Repeat this process for each word, taking your time, spending as long as you want on each key word. As you picture images for each word, let them fill you up, opening the doors of your heart and mind to a vivid connection to God in spirit and mind and love.
And have fun. At the time I meditated on this verse, the Oscars were on television. It was interesting timing as I thought about how we show honor to others (i.e., giving them awards or naming buildings or funds after them). I was amused as I pictured God sweeping the Oscars: best picture, best original screenplay, best actor, best supporting actor, best director, best Creator, best visual effects, best cinematography, best original story and best art direction. No one else can compete with that!